



Monetary Donations are Always Welcome!!

When you make a monetary donation:

Your donation is used towards purchasing a Family Wish List item, gift/grocery card, or additional items to complete a Christmas experience.

When you donate to Project Christmas Elf, you can rest assured that your dollars are working hard to help families living with financial distress in your community. You can request the area for your donation to be distributed.

There is NO DEADLINE for Monetary Donations and are Accepted All Year Long.


There are 2 ways you can make a monetary donation to Project Christmas Elf:

1. You can use E-Transfer via your online banking to:


* In the message box, please include your contact number and choice of community

** PCE is set up to automatically deposit e-transfers, but if your bank asks to include a security question, please use:  “what is my last name” and the answer will be the donor’s last name.

2. You can use the Donate Button below to make a donation via credit card. You will be taken to our donation page, where you can choose what and where you would like to donate.

96.9% of every dollar donated to Project Christmas Elf, via Square, goes directly to help those in need. 3.1% goes to processing fees.


If you, your company, have the resources to help a family in any way, please click below to fill out our sponsor form, and we will match you up with a Family In Need. 

Help can be a food hamper, gift/grocery card, clothing, health supplies or home care needs. You can remain anonymous as a sponsor, or be listed with our featured sponsors. 

Read our information letter on Sponsoring a Family!


Do you love the Christmas season and have time to give? 

If you would like to help Project Christmas Elf complete their mission of making a change for individuals, families and independent seniors who are struggling to make ends meet this Christmas, please click below to fill our our Volunteer Form and become an Elf today!

  • Receiving gift donations
  • Sorting and logging each donation
  • Getting packages ready for delivery
  • Calling families to arrange their delivery or pickup
  • Deliver packages



Another way to support Project Christmas Elf is to Share our project!  You can share our website, our Facebook Group?

We are regularly seeking volunteers to increase our coverage area, and a way they can find out about us is if you let them know about us!  Sharing is Caring!! 


Our Featured Sponsors


Help Us Make a Little Magic for Families in the Shuswap/Okanagan Region this Christmas.

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