Almost every question has an answer!

We do our best to provide answers to questions commonly asked.  If there is a question you have and cannot find an answer, please contact us directly with the form at the bottom of the page.

General Questions

What is Project Christmas Elf?

Project Christmas Elf is a volunteer community effort of the Shuswap, North and Central Okanagan region. PCE intakes families, of any size, who are struggling and in need of a little magic at Christmas. We then take their Christmas Wish List and find sponsors and/or monetary donations to pair with families. 

When did PCE Start?

PCE began in 2016.  We graciously thank the volunteers who have been involved with us from the beginning until now. Without their drive and determination to support those in need, Project Christmas Elf would not be what it is today!

Where is Project Christmas Elf based? 

PCE is based where our Volunteers are based....all over...and growing.

Our Community Coverage Includes:

- Armstrong 

- Chase 

- Coldstream 

- Enderby 

- Kelowna 

- Lake Country 

- Lumby 

- Peachland

- Salmon Arm

- Sorrento

- Tappen

- Vernon

- West Kelowna

Sponsor Questions

What is A Sponsor?

A Sponsor is an individual, family, business or community organization that purchases items to fulfill a Christmas Wish List, in full or in part, for a family in need. Anyone wishing to enjoy shopping for a less fortunate family can become a sponsor in part or in full.

What is the Difference between Sponsoring and a Donating?

A Sponsor provides tangible items to fulfill a families wish list.

A Donator provides a monetary donation to assist our Elves in purchasing gifts or gift cards to unmatched families.

Does a Sponsor deliver Gifts?

No, sponsors are encouraged to drop gifts (wrapped or unwrapped) to specified drop off locations. Otherwise, we can make arrangements to have them picked up if you are unable to deliver. 

Due to the personal nature and requested privacy of individuals involved, no personal information will be provided. Our Volunteer Elves arrange delivery of all items.

Can a Sponsor be identified to the family?

Only if they choose to NOT remain anonymous, otherwise all information is kept confidential.

Donating Questions

What does my donation go towards?

A monetary donation can go to what ever you choose:

- towards purchasing items on Wish Lists of unmatched families.

- fuel cards for volunteer drivers, as they donate their time and vehicle.

- gift wrap for items. 

How do I choose where my donation goes?

On our donation page, you have the opportunity to choose where your monetary donation goes. You can also choose to split it among different things 

A Donator provides a monetary donation to assist our Elves in purchasing gifts or gift cards to unmatched families.

Is there a minimum requirement or deadline?

Due to processing fees, we have set a minimum amount of $5 for donations  Every bit helps families in need. We do wish to remind you that there is a 2.65% + $0.30 processing fee on all transactions other than E-Transfer.  There is no deadline for donations, as we accept them all year long to ensure the success our Christmas delivery events.

What if I don't want to give cash?

Our Donate option is only available for monetary donations. If you would like to give gifts to a family in need, please look at becoming a Sponsor instead.

Volunteer Questions

What is A Volunteer?

A Volunteer is an individual who volunteers their time, vehicle, expertise, goods or services to PCE.

How much time do I need to volunteer?

Only what you can!  That's why it is called volunteer..the amount of time is up to you. We ask you for your availability in the intake form. Whether it is a few hours, one day..or a full weekend..we are happy to have you.

Do I have to help on Christmas Eve?

No. We do our best to organize and deliver well in advance of Christmas Eve. Any last minute requirements are dealt with by our core volunteers.

Due to the personal nature and requested privacy of individuals involved, we do require personal information and identification for certain tasks.

Can my children volunteer with me?

Of course they can!!  First off, it is an incredible learning experience for them to assist those who are less fortunate.

Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, and can volunteer with shopping, wrapping and tagging of gifts only. They are not permitted to deliver or accept gift drop offs. Parents who wish to include their children assume all responsibility for them and their actions.


Help Us Make a Little Magic for Families in the Shuswap/Okanagan Region this Christmas.

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