Family Intake

The Christmas Season is not always a time for joy and happiness. For many in our Communities, it is a time of uncertainty and stress to make ends meet.  We also understand that asking for help is just as difficult.

Individuals, Families and Seniors who are in need of support and would like to apply to Project Christmas Elf must complete the Intake Form Below.

Family Intake Form

Please fill out this form for a Family of Any Size including Independent Seniors. (1-8 persons including applicant)

All Fields are Mandatory. Your form will not be submitted unless completely filled in.

You will receive a confirmation of submission of this form. We request your patience while we review your file, it may be a few days before one of our Project Christmas Elves contact you via email with the next steps.

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Thank you! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Help Us Make a Little Magic for Families in the Shuswap/Okanagan Region this Christmas.

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