Sponsor Information

Sponsoring a Family

Thank you for your interest in being a sponsor for the 2023 holiday season. As a sponsor, you can choose the size of family that you would like to adopt.

Families range from 2 to 8 people in size.  Once matched, you the sponsor will receive information about the family, including names and ages needs & wish lists etc.. 

Families have been asked to provide their preferred grocery stores, along with urgent needs and wish lists. You are not obligated to purchase everything on the list; we do ask that a grocery gift card and at least one gift for each family member of the family is included. We ask that you wrap the gifts in holiday wrapping, unless otherwise directed not to.  Gifts can be gently used items (except toiletry and personal hygiene items such as undergarments) please ensure that they are in good/excellent condition.

Here are some budget guidelines to help with planning:

Deliveries will be arranged. You are not responsible for delivering the gifts to the family; however you will need to deliver the items to a central location most often a Project Christmas Elf volunteer’s location. 

We encourage grocery gift cards; please do not include pantry or perishable items. A small holiday treat (like chocolates) is ok.

Please let us know if you have any large items for your families; our delivery elves may be limited with vehicle space, and it helps us plan if we know of larger items.

We ask that you have all your shopping and wrapping completed by December 15 as all deliveries will take place prior to Christmas.


Thank-you & Happy Holidays

Project Christmas Elf team! 


Help Us Make a Little Magic for Families in the Shuswap/Okanagan Region this Christmas.

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